Monday, April 27, 2020

Its my birthday! Make me an offer I cant refuse. - When I Grow Up

Its my birthday! Make me an offer I cant refuse. - When I Grow Up Today is my 38th birthday. I can hardly believe it. On one hand, I still feel like a teenager. On the other, I feel like a woman way past my years. But one thing has always felt true, and nothing feels truer now: Birthdays are meant to be celebrated. Years are meant to be cherished. Time is not meant to be wasted. Ive always loved my birthday, but never more than the years post-diagnosis. To be honest, the cancer this time around scares me, and often. I keep thinking about how nobody knows how much time we really have. I keep thinking about what Im doing with my one precious life. I keep thinking about how grateful I am to be surrounded by people I love doing work that I love. I keep thinking about how I dont want to waste any time. I keep thinking about living out my personal and professional mission: spreading the gospel that you can make a grown-up living doing work you love. And I keep fearing  that this will be taken away from me, in one fell swoop, too soon. No, theres nothing to worry about. My prognosis is excellent. My doctors are some of the best in the world. But when cancer touches you twice before you hit 40, in an unforeseen and unusual way, it makes you think of every little thing youre spending your time on. It makes me want to make my mark on as many creative women as possible. It makes me want to spread optimism, and security, and joy through the whole freakin world. It makes me want to raise my fist and get all unhappy, unfulfilled creative women out of their soul-sucking jobs and into work that leaves them feeling authentic and on-purpose. Ill have a 3-4 week break next month between treatments that I didnt plan on, and it made me wonder what I wanted to do with that time. I thought about my birthday. I thought about my mission. I thought about what I most enjoy doing. And its led me to ask you to make me an offer I cant refuse. Normally, the only way to work with me personally is through my one-on-one sessions, a package of 12 over 4 months. But I know those are expensive, and  usually has a waitlist. I currently cant start any long-term relationships like that for another 3 months. So, how can I help you discover and achieve your dream career now? Let me give you some ideas of how Ive colored outside the lines for my clients: a coaching duo, where I worked with 2 friends on launching their businesses a cluster of 3 monthly sessions, enough to get clarity and craft a plan for a career goal while getting built-in accountability 2 hours in a coffee shop, crafting a  career compass and how to get  more of the work you want at your current job a whole day coaching intensive, where we  work together one-on-one for 3ish hours in a 6 hour window,  using the other 3ish hours to eat, recharge, and do homework a follow-up session to get some personal attention after taking my online workshop(s) Wanna make me an offer I cant refuse? Fill out the application on this page (scroll down a bit) before 1/25  1/19* and use any of the sections to make your offer, including how you want us to work together and what youd be able to invest. Dont know what would give you the best results? Say so, and know Ill get back to you with my thoughts. Some things to keep in mind: thisll be first come, first served and there are no more than 6 spots available session(s) must occur in February unless otherwise agreed if youd like to meet in person, youd have to make it happen in NYC or Brooklyn Ill personally respond to each application by 1/20 Let me spend  my time doing what I love most: working with you to make sure you enjoy the rest of your time career  life, starting now. *UPDATE: Ohmygosh, Ive gotten triple the amount of applications than I have time, so I pushed up the cutoff date for the applications to 1/18.  Im currently not accepting any more offers. Whadda success, though! Thanks so much for the outpouring of support.

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